Headspace Health’s Abrupt Closure: What to Do If Your Therapist “Disappears”

Understanding Your Rights as a Client:

It seems that there is a trend toward mental health becoming increasingly commodified. While there can be many benefits in the intersection being innovative business models and mental health care (such as increased access to care and reduced stigma), there is a danger that patient welfare may take a backseat to profit. One example of this danger coming to fruition is when Santa Monica's Headspace Health reportedly recently laid off dozens of therapists, leaving clients uncertain about their therapists' whereabouts. While Headspace is currently being exposed for this practice, numerous other mental health care companies are likely employing similar harmful practices.

A strong therapeutic relationship is vital for effective therapy, significantly influencing outcomes. It provides a safe, accepting, and validating space for clients to share their experiences. For many, it may be their first experience of such a supportive relationship. Clients who have struggled with past relationships learn what it is like to be engaged with someone who is consistently available, responsive, and engaged with them. Therefore, it is concerning when a therapist abruptly "disappears" without allowing clients to process the end of the relationship.

In the unfortunate event you find yourself in a situation where your relationship with your therapist abruptly ends, here are some practical steps you can take to continue to receive the necessary support for your mental well-being.

Evaluating Transitions:

1.       See a New Therapist Within the Same Company

But first consider the potential risks associated with transitioning to another therapist within the same mental health care company. If the company has previously engaged in therapist layoffs, it is important to assess the likelihood of future disruptions to your therapy sessions. Prioritize your well-being by carefully considering whether internal transitions are the best option for you.

2.       Seeking a Third-Party Therapist

Explore the alternative of finding a third-party therapist who can provide continuity in your therapeutic journey. Search independently for therapists outside of the company of your previous therapist. Look for professionals who align with your specific needs and preferences, ensuring that your mental well-being remains a priority throughout the transition.

3.       Reconnecting with Your Previous Therapist

Consider conducting a Google search or using available resources to reconnect with your previous therapist. It is possible that your therapist is still providing services independently, allowing you to resume sessions or seek therapeutic closure. Reconnecting with a familiar therapist can provide a sense of continuity and comfort during this challenging transition period.

 When confronted with the unexpected disappearance of your therapist, it is crucial to prioritize your mental health and well-being. Understanding your rights as a client, exploring all available options, and seeking professional support from third-party therapists or reconnecting with your previous therapist can help ensure that your mental health journey remains on track. You can also file a complaint with the state board of a licensed professional you feel you have been harmed by. Just keep in mind that if your therapist “disappeared” on you and they work for a larger company, it may not have been their choice. You deserve the necessary support and care to thrive, and by taking proactive steps, you can navigate this challenging situation and continue prioritizing your mental well-being.


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